Tudibaring House - Copacabana

Alterations and Additions by SGD Builders  

This distinct residence draws inspiration from its stunning Surroundings overlooking Copacabana Beach in the Central Coast of NSW. SGD Builders completed internal and external restoration works to the home, including architectural designed bathrooms, kitchens and laundry. Installed new parquetry flooring to the kitchen area as well as sanding and staining the existing flooring to the designers approval. Painting throughout the internal and external of the property and addressed moisture issues by providing waterproofing solutions to the lower back walls of the property. its striking geometric features blend quite well with it’s newfound curves, using nature as its muse for its colour Palette making this weekend retreat feel spacious and relaxing.

The finished images are the courtesy of Interior Designer | Lynne Bradley Interiors | https://www.lynnebradleyinteriors.com.au/ |@lbinteriors
Photographer | ANSON SMART | @smartanson
Editorial Stylist | Steve Cordony | @stevecordony